The smell of a oily rag. Rochford Street Review needs a little help…

Keeping Rochford Street Review online has seemingly become more difficult as the amount of content we publish increases. While our main renewals occur at the beginning of the year, our ongoing costs keep increasing and we have a number of smaller subscriptions coming up over the coming days. We also took on the task of running a supplement to support the recent Sonic Poetry Festival in Melbourne, producing an issue of the infrequent, but iconic literary magazine P76, and travelling to Melbourne to launch it. While we hope to cover most of the production costs of the magazine with sales over time, we have an urgent need to raise around $60 to cover an urgent software renewal. As an independent and unfunded journal we rely on the support of our readers to help us meet these costs. 

There are a number of ways you can help us stay on-line:

One off Donation

This would be an immense help in assisting us meet our immediate needs

One off Donationbtn_subscribeCC_LG

Supporting Subscription

A voluntary supporting subscription means you donate a small amount each month to cover our costs. We currently have a small number of monthly subscribers and without them we couldn’t survive. Please use the buttons below to sign up to subscribe between $5 and $20 a month.

btn_subscribeCC_LG$5 Monthly Recurring Basic Subscription.


btn_subscribeCC_LG$10 Monthly Recurring Standard Subscription


btn_subscribeCC_LG$15 Monthly Recurring Deluxe Subscription


btn_subscribeCC_LG$20 Monthly Recurring Luxury Subscription

Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.