Jeanna Ní Ríordáin is a translator and writer from West Cork, Ireland. Her poetry has appeared in Quarryman, Cork Words 3, Drawn to the Light Press, Swerve, New Isles Press, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Burrow, Reverie Magazine, Alien Buddha Press and Otherwise Engaged Literature and Arts Journal among others.

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Noel Purdon, a multifaceted scholar and artist, was raised on the picturesque coast of New South Wales, Australia. His love for sailing and archaeology led him to explore the world, fostering a lifelong passion for travel and discovery. Purdon’s academic pursuits took him to Sydney, Florence, Bristol and Cambridge, where he became a Fellow in English at Trinity Hall in 1967. While at Cambridge, he worked with Raymond Williams to introduce the first cinema lectures within the English Tripos.

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Given the nature of events here and overseas in the last half-decade, it’s not too surprising that so much recent literature has been centered around themes of loss, grieving, and healing. Seams of Repair would seem to be part of this tendency, and its title (as well as its cover) points to the power of restoration, where the mending of breakage is reliant on the strength of its craft.

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There’s a certain relentless quality to this book, a refusal to stand still. “To falter becomes a fissure for the grime”. This is both an engine driving us through this uneasy though forgiven world alongside a promise that the explorations evident in this book are not the end of the story, just the beginning.

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Ivy Ireland is the author of the poetry collections Incidental Complications (2007), Porch Light (2015), The Owl Inside (2020) and Tide (2023). Ivy’s literary awards include the Australian Young Poet Fellowship, the Olga Masters Short Story Award, the Harri Jones Memorial Prize, the Thunderbolt Prize, the Newcastle Poetry Prize local award, and runner-up in the UC International Poetry Prize.

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