Anne Casey reading at the the inaugural ‘Reading the River’ poetry reading, 17 January 2020.

While we have had to postponed the March Reading the River Reading, we can look back at the inaugural reading which took place on 14 January this year. First up is Anne Casey reading to a packed audience (no physical distancing here!) at  The Cottage Gallery at Brooklyn.

Originally from the west of Ireland and living in Sydney, Anne Casey is author of two poetry collections – where the lost things go (Salmon Poetry 2017) and out of emptied cups (Salmon Poetry 2019). Anne has worked for 30 years as a journalist, magazine editor, media communications director and legal author. Her writing and poetry rank in leading national daily newspaper, The Irish Times ‘Most-Read’ and are widely published internationally—The Irish Times, Entropy, apt, Murmur House, Quiddity, Bazakh (State University of New York), DASH (California State University), FourXFour (Poetry Northern Ireland), Cordite, The Canberra Time, Verity La and Plumwood Mountain among others. Anne’s poetry has won/shortlisted for awards in Ireland, Northern Ireland, the USA, the UK, Canada, Hong Kong and Australia.

The Reading the River Readings are sponsored by Rochford Street Review. The March, featuring Irina Frolova, Chris Mansell, Les Wicks, Martin Langford, Tricia Dearborn and Richard Tipping, has been postponed due to COVID-19. The following reading, on Saturday 23 May, will be reviewed closer to the date.


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